Friday, November 11, 2011

Walk in Freedom

Sometimes late at night the Lord speaks to me.  My favorite (sarcastically writing) is when I am about to fall asleep and some sort of emotion comes over me and I know that the Lord is talking.  Guess what?!?!  That happened tonight.

It is after midnight and I am very tired
and I quickly read over this to look for
spelling errors and that is about it.  :-)**

As I lay in bed thinking about the day, moments from sleep, a sickening feeling came over me.  You know, where everything in your body tightens up and you feel as though you could throw up.  It was as though I had just watched something horrific happen.  Yet, nothing had happened.

My brother's face came into my thoughts.  Some of you may know, that he is in prison until November 2016.

Imagine not leaving your home, not leaving the land that you are on for 6 years. 

Yet, still even not leaving your home is pretty good.  For me, I have an amazing view of the mountains, country side to look at, a beautiful house and bedroom to live in. 

He lives in a prison.  A place that is not known for it's beauty and that is where he is ... consider being stuck in the picture above for the next 6 years.

I can choose to leave... I could if I wanted to even move out if I desire **which I don't Charsie - at least not yet.  :)**.  Yet, where he is at... he cannot leave.

I wonder what life would look like?  I wonder what you would think about and consider.  If you would long for the day, the moment when you could leave the 1/2 block radius that you have spent years of your life.  Would it be hard to stay?  Wouldn't you desire to break free?  And yet, would it be harder to leave after so long?


As I thought about these things I wondered what prisons in my own life do I have?  What areas of sin, what secrets, what habits do I have that I am imprisoned to?  So many times in my life I want so badly to break free of the "sin that so easily ensnares" me... yet I feel as though I am locked in.  And for years I have been... BUT than I am free.
Christ says there is victory in His Name!  And yet, the prison doors are open but I don't step out.  For fear of the unknown, fear of what lies ahead... I have been locked in this for so long - what is out there, the beauty, the vastness of freedom scares me. 

I guess all in all, it hit home tonight.  There are many days that I mourn for my brother... I have broken for him... there is so much he will miss, so much will happen and there is no way out.  Yet, tonight it was as though the Lord was saying the same thing to my heart.  There is so much you are missing, because you won't step out, you won't trust me, you won't step in faith that you are forgiven, you are made clean, you are whole and you are free...

My challenge for the small amount of people who read this is to consider what is written here.  First, are you truly free?  Do you know Jesus Christ as your savior?  Have the prison gates been open for you or are they still locked up because you haven't chosen to believe in the one true God and Savior.  Second, if they have been open... are you still standing in the white walled prison?  Maybe there are HUGE areas of you life, or maybe just small areas of your life that you continue to stay put... I would encourage you to pray, to think to consider trusting the Lord and let go of those things.  Step out of the prison gates and into freedom...

What a gift freedom truly is!

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