A pack trip usually starts with Kim and I going shopping at Walmart. J It is filled with people asking what we are doing, where we are going and why we have 2 shopping carts filled to the brim with food and supplies. When we share with them that we are going camping about 7 miles into the wilderness they give us looks of bewilderment. How in the world do you get all this stuff in the wilderness? We are usually asked at least once. Horses.
There is no better way to camp in the wilderness except with horses. They carry just about everything. So when we share with people our meal menus of fajitas, spaghetti, pizza… they question if we are camping at all.
But the food isn’t want draws me to the trips. After a good hike in (since the horses are carrying everything we hike instead of ride) we set up camp and enjoy the first night. It is the next morning and each morning after that which draws me to pack trips. Each morning after we make the coffee and set the horses out to graze each of us grabs a mug, a bible and journal and finds a spot in the meadow. Within 10 minutes we are all stationed around spending time in the word. With no watch, no way to really know the time (except that the cool morning breeze lets you know it’s not afternoon yet) we sit there for an hour, maybe two or three… no one really knows.
It is uninterrupted time to spend with the Lord. Sometimes I sing, other times I just lay there looking up to the sky. There is always a good amount of time in the Word reading, journaling my thoughts and the scriptures. To be able to sit out somewhere without music, without noise, without someone interrupting you until you are done. There is nothing really more to say… you have thought of everything you can think of to be thankful for, prayed for all those you know, read and journal and have been filled up. These are the times that draw me to the pack trips.
Each day I was more and more aware of how little time I spend in the word and with the Lord. Each time I was reminded of the sacrifices that Jesus made for our salvation because he loves us. I was reminded that life is a gift that can be gone in an instant. I asked the question of what am I doing with that life and had to face the realization that my life is filled with more of the world than of Jesus Christ. This is something I desire to change!
Trust me, I am not saying that I want to just go and be a hermit somewhere just spending time with Jesus. I don’t believe that is biblical. Jesus was in the world, he was around people, he was doing ministry and in the midst of that he was spending time with God alone. What I think I have come to realize is that 1 – I don’t truly cherish the gift of life. I don’t thank the Lord each morning for giving me another day to live… and looking for ways to glorify him with that day. 2 – As I stated before, my life is filled more with the world then with Jesus. I put what I believe are my needs and my wants in front of time with him. I place the Lord on a schedule rather than just spending time with him.
For example, I was sitting at Starbucks this morning listening to a women’s bible study (eves dropping. J) They were talking about doing devotions and spending time in the word. The leader was talking about how she doesn’t always get to time in the word or if she does is after the laundry and other chores are done, or in the evening when everything is quiet. I was saddened by the fact that she was sharing with these other ladies that it was okay to skip devotions or to get to them later on. **Side note, she did encourage them to not make time with the Lord as part of your check list – which I completely agree with**
Some of you may agree and some may disagree on my emotion towards this. But in the last few days of spending time in the meadow with the Lord I have realized how much I need him. How much I need and should make him the highest priority in life. Even if it means getting up an hour before the house starts to get crazy. To place him at the end of the day or when I can fit him in doesn’t give God priority. If I truly think about who he is AND what I am created to do here on earth… it is not the laundry, it is not school or work or even a family. BUT it is to glorify the Lord, to bring people to salvation… To love the Lord with all my heart, soul and mind. To love others as myself. How can I do that, how can I glorify, love Him or others when I don’t even spend time with him or make him the priority of my life.
Right on girly. Love this reflection and love you. It is all so true.